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HIV Program

The HIV Program, funded by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), is dedicated to addressing critical health issues within the community. The main goals and objectives of this program is to:

(1) reduce new HIV infections and teen pregnancies,
(2) promote testing and awareness of HIV status among adolescents,
(3) educate students on healthy sexual and reproductive health practices, and
(4) empower young adolescents to make informed choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health.


​This initiative encompasses a comprehensive approach to improving health outcomes for adolescents, including a community-based Youth Friendly Center, providing HIV testing and counseling services at local health facilities, school-based sexual and reproductive health education and education for mothers and community health promoters on HIV prevention.


Community-based Youth Friendly Centre
The Community-Based Youth Friendly Centre is a hub for adolescents, offering recreational activities like pool, refreshments, and entertainment. Beyond providing a safe gathering place, the center offers HIV testing, prevention education, and sexual and reproductive health education. By combining these services with enjoyable activities, the center reduces the stigma associated with HIV testing. It also distributes condoms and encourages safe sexual practices. This innovative, youth-friendly model promotes HIV prevention and testing, ensuring sustainability by selling low-cost refreshments to generate income.

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HIV Testing and Counselling Services
HIV testing services are provided at local facilities such as Mosocho Market and Oressi Health Centre. These services allow participants to know their HIV status, encourage their peers to get tested, ensure the safety of those engaging in sexual activities, and enable early treatment and prevention methods if found positive.

School-based Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Program
The School-Based Adolescent SRH Program delivers vital messages on teen pregnancy and HIV prevention alongside comprehensive health education on a range of safe sexual and reproductive health choices. Lessons cover various topics, including the definitions of HIV and AIDS, modes of transmission, prevention measures, and the differences between STIs and STDs. Additionally, issues related to teenage pregnancy, sexual and gender-based violence, stress management, and drug and substance abuse are addressed. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health and well-being, promoting healthier lifestyles among young male and female adolescents.

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©2022 by KIKOP.

KIKOP is a registered Community Based Organization (CBO) in Kisii County Reg. ID: DSS/KITC/MOS/CBO/000/2022

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