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KIKOP’s Mid-Year 2023 Update

Menstrual Hygiene Day

In May, KIKOP participated in Kisii County’s Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023. Menstrual Hygiene Day is an annual global event that raises awareness about the importance of good menstrual hygiene management with the goal of creating a world where menstruation is accepted as a natural part of life. KIKOP joined the Kisii County Department of Health, AIDS Healthcare Foundation Kenya, and other reproductive health partners in the area in a road walk advocacy campaign to end period stigma and break the silence associated with menstrual hygiene management. The walk drew large crowds and promoted discussion about ending the stigma associated with menstruation.

Volunteers participating in the road walk advocacy campaign to end period stigma (May 29, 2023)

Women and girls holding up their menstrual hygiene products

June Volunteer Trip by Curamericas

In June, Curamericas Global volunteers visited the rural catchments of Matongo, Nyagoto, and Iranda to spend time with and learn from the mothers and children who live there. The volunteers participated in celebrations for mothers whose babies graduated from KIKOP programming this year, conducted a workshop with the KIKOP board to help determine and plan board developmental priorities for the next year, and met with potential new organizational partners to see how we could collaborate and align our efforts. The volunteer trip was a great success.

A mother shows off her new handwashing station to a visiting volunteer.

Curamericas Global volunteers show their appreciation to KIKOP Health Promoters by providing each Promoter with a lesso (wrap).

Sustainability through Capacity-Building: Moving to a Digital System

In October 2022, KIKOP began the process of moving to a digital data system called ‘Meaningful’. One of the main benefits of transitioning to a digital data system is that the process of collecting data during home visits will be streamlined. KIKOP and Curamericas Global staff have provided orientation to 43 Community Health Volunteers who will be the primary users of the program. The training included information on the use of tablets and navigating the digital system. Since January, there have been monthly trainings to assist with the transition to digital. The move to a digital data system will improve data quality and save volunteers and staff hundreds of hours each month. CHVs are very excited and motivated about the upcoming switch to digital.

The system is proof that KIKOP is very caring and wants the best for our mothers and children, the pictures in the tablet will make RHV health education easier and data collection easier, thank you KIKOP and thank Curamericas Global.” -Mr. Obondi, CHV

Curamericas Global staff member Barbara trains CHVs on how to use the digital data system.

A CHV meets with a mother and her child and collects data electronically on a new tablet.

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