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Solar Initiative Update: “Mothers love the KIKOP solar project”

Thanks to a generous grant from United Solar Initiative, we were able to install solar energy panels at our partner health facilities in Matongo and Nyagoto. Prior to the installation of the solar panels, unreliable power sources and frequent power outages meant many mothers had to deliver in the dark. The addition of solar power, combined with the supplementary nursing staff provided by KIKOP, has enabled facilities to offer reliable, 24-hour care to mothers. The launch of the solar project generated excitement and a sense of ownership among community members. Interviews with Kisii County Department of Health (KCDoH) representatives revealed how the impact of the solar project is widely appreciated by staff, mothers, and communities.

One of the primary benefits of solar power is that staff can assist with night deliveries, and women who give birth during the night are able to feel more secure with uninterrupted power and light.

Mothers are having full lights, security. Mothers love the solar project.” - Kitutu Chache North representative

An additional benefit of solar is that mothers feel confident that they will be served and not turned away from facilities due to power outages.

“With solar you are assured…you will never visit the facility and someone will tell you there’s no power. So that’s beautiful. Women love it. The solar is amazing.” – Kitutu Chache South Representative

KCDoH officials described how the solar panels have changed and improved the care that staff can provide to mothers.

Solar has actually changed the care. Patients can be admitted in the maternity ward and they can stay overnight. We can boil water for them, make tea for them. It has actually changed a lot.” – Kitutu Chache North representative

KCDoH officials also shared that there is evidence of joy and increased commitment from facility staff due to the solar power.

Another impact that KIKOP has done which is beyond measure is the installation of the solar backup power. I mean, it's a miracle. When I look at it and I envision it, it's just a miracle. We never could have dreamt about it.” – Kitutu Chache North representative

An additional benefit of the solar power is electricity cost savings. These cost savings can be directed towards facility improvements, non-pharmaceuticals, drugs, and to pay lower-level staff. The solar power has also led to reliable storage for vaccines that require refrigeration.

Overall, the solar initiative has been hugely beneficial to those who work at and visit Matongo and Nyagoto. KCDoH representatives would like to see solar panels installed at other facilities so that more communities can benefit from the improved accessibility and care that the solar panels have enabled at Matongo and Nyagoto.

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