​KIKOP has the extraordinary ability to strengthen and leverage community, and local health partners to create change. We believe deeply in the power of voluntarism – that inherent in human nature is a need to give generously to our communities and that this generosity is essential to ensure the long term well-being of our families and our society. The change model on which KIKOP is based posits that families and communities possess the inherent capacity and will to improve their own health. With sufficient support, they are capable of implementing bottom-up grassroots health programs using volunteer community actors that can achieve results superior to the costly “business-as-usual” top-down programs of governments and ministries of health.
We at KIKOP understand that there are multiple intersecting factors that impact maternal and child health. Our work takes a holistic approach--not only addressing maternal and child health directly, but also other health issues that are intertwined, such as WASH, SGBV, Adolescent Health and COVID-19.